Want to become part of the best student organization on campus?

PILS offers opportunities to join twice per year!

In March, PILS runs elections for VP positions. Anybody can run for any position and an incumbent win is not guaranteed. Furthermore, no prior seat on the council is required. The elections are decided by the undergraduate pharmacology student population. 

In September, U1 students who recently declared a pharmacology major are invited to apply for one of two U1 Rep positions, and there is an open call for committee members

Application status: OPEN for ONLY the following positions:

  • U3 Representative (1)
  • U1 Representative (2)

Please read through the attached nomination package before taking any further action. Applications are due TBD. Good luck!

Previous nomination packages:

U1 Rep and Committee information:

In September/October, PILS opens applications for U1 Representatives and for committee members. Each U1 and committee member applicant will be interviewed by the council and subject to a council nomination and vote. 

Committee positions usually include: Fundraising committee, academic committee, finance committee, and planning (events) committee

Number of positions will depend on if and how many the VP of the committee wants to recruit.

VP Positions up for nomination include:


The PILS president is responsible for enforcing the constitution and by-laws of PILS and ensuring its long-term integrity in addition to acting as the chief PILS representative in cooperation with the VP External. The president must chair and coordinate the activities and Council meetings, set the agenda, and ensure that the objectives of PILS are met as the Chief Executive Officer. In addition, the president serves as the Chief Electoral Officer (if not running).


The PILS VP Academic provides for PILS academic affairs by planning and coordinating academic events and activities, advising Council on academic policy and services, and chairing the Academic Committee. He/she cooperates with the SUS VP Academic to promote McGill academic policy enhancement.


The PILS VP Communications is responsible for facilitating communication between Council members by taking Minutes of Council meetings and maintaining both the PILS listserv and website. The VP Communications must provide for the marketing and publicity of PILS’ affairs.


The PILS VP External is responsible for representing PILS to external bodies and agencies in cooperation with the President. The VP External must coordinate and organize events and activities with the VP Internal, secure sponsorships and revenue with the VP Finance, and co-chair the Planning Committee. Should the President resign or be removed, the VP External shall assume Presidential duties until a by-election.


The PILS VP Finance is responsible for ensuring the long-term financial stability of PILS, advising Council on financial policy, maintaining and preparing PILS’ financial records, developing the annual budget, and operating the finances of the association with the consent of Council.


The PILS VP Fundraising is responsible for ensuring the success of fundraising initiatives by planning, coordinating, and organizing PILS fundraising activities to provide financial stability in cooperation with the VP Finance.


The PILS VP Internal is responsible for ensuring good rapport between PILS and its memberships by planning, coordinating, and organizing PILS events and activities with the VP External, co-chairing the Planning Committee, and advising Council on the membership opinions.


The PILS U3 Representatives serve as advocates for U3 Pharmacology students to the PILS Council and are responsible for certain communications between these students as well as for organizing U3-specific NTCs. They are also expected to attend weekly council meetings and participate in office hours.


The PILS U2 Representatives serve as advocates for U2 Pharmacology students to the PILS Council and are responsible for certain communications between these students as well as for organizing U2-specific NTCs. They are also expected to attend weekly council meetings and participate in office hours.


The PILS U1 Representatives serve as liasons for U3 Pharmacology students to the PILS Council and are responsible for certain communications between these students, year-exclusive social events, and helping answer students’ questions. They are also expected to attend weekly council meetings and participate in office hours.

Committee positions up for nomination include:

Planning Committee
1) Helping to plan, organize, and run PILS social events (e.g. Apartment crawls, ” PILS does breakfast”, Power hours …)
2) Attending bi-weekly meetings with VP Internal

Academic Committee
1) Helping to organize PILS run academic events (e.g. Wine and cheeses, Research bridge, Mentorship programs …)
2) Attending bi-weekly meetings with VP Academic

Fundraising Committee
1) Helping to organize and run fundraising events for the PILS council (e.g. Samosa Sales.. )
2) Attending bi-weekly meetings with VP Fundraising

Communications Committee
1) Help to design and produce graphics, videos and other promotional media to assist with PILS events/outreach.
2) Assist the Vice President of Communications in the exercise of their duties, possibly involving photography, graphic design, videography, video/media editing, photoshop. Previous experience in these areas is preferred.
3) Attending weekly or bi-weekly meetings with VP Communications

Timetable for elections 2025

Nomination period:


Campaign period:


A question-and-answer session for all candidates will be held on TBD. All pharmacology students are welcome. Candidate attendance is mandatory.

Meeting details

Topic: TBD

Time: TBD

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: TBD

Polling period:

TBD (00:01) – TBD (23:59)